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Celine still finds time to paint, visit the grand children and take care of our financial accounts as well as the accounts [[/strikethrough]] conne [[/strikethrough]] related to the Union Carbide partnership. - Admirable woman! 
[[underline]] Nov. 27 [[/underline]] Stayed at Snug Rock all day putting order in things - More ships sunk in British German war, and further loss of life. Evening drove to Waldorf Astoria for 75th anniversary of foundation of Col. School of Engineering by formal dinner. Largest room entirely filled. Excellent dinner, excellent spirit. Was placed on the Dais of Honor with [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] President Nicholas Murray Butler in center, Dean G.B. Pegram (physics) at my right, Dean Barker Dr. K.T. Compton President of Boston Institute of Technology, T.H. Chilton (Chandler medallist 1939). - Frederick Coykendall, Dr. Fackenthal, Radu Irimuscu (Minister of Rumanya, former engineering graduate of Columbia [[strikethrough]] U. [[/strikethrough]] Engineering school etc. From this dais, higher than the ground floor could observe the numerous guests. A special table of honor was reserved for a few of the oldest graduates 5 of them graduated in 1870 & 1871. Excellent speeches by President K.T. Compton, followed by the speech of Dr. Butler. - A most enjoyable meeting, which lasted until 11 P.M. Met many old friends. 
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Nov. 28 At "Snug Rock", arranging my notes. More and more ships destroyed by Brittain's enemies  
Nov. 29 A letter from George telling me that contrary of my expectations it now looks as if Union Carbide instead of making him president of Bakelite, will appoint Rafferty as President and keep George and Rossi as vice presidents. Had long talk on this subject [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] with  George at the office. He tells me Barret 1st vice president in line for presidency is the important man of Union Carbide. The only one above him is President Ricks, a lawyer in the sixties. - Rafferty is their head chemist and production man. Is president of Chemicals division. Very capable will liked, fine straight forward man to deal with. But Barret seems to be the boss of all of them except Briggs. - Told George that I would talk with Barret. As I had not yet given a wedding present to Dickie sent her my check for $4000. Ditto to George's wife ditto for Brooksie and for Freddy. This is the limit according to present law, I can give to each, without being taxed for it. Went to see Barret at his office He was all alone and received me in the most friendly way. We spoke of old times, Townsend and other departed friends. Told me I could see at any time and would welcome my visits. - Then spoke to him of disappointed of George and my fears that he would leave Bakelite etc. Barret tells 

Transcription Notes:
T.H. Chilton refers to Thomas Hamilton Chilton G.B. Pegram is correct (Dean at Columbia) Frederick Coykendall was the Director of the Columbia University Press Dr. Fackenthal refers to Dr. Frank D. Fackenthal who became President of Columbia Rada Irimuscu in the text refers to Rada Irimescu from Romania