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December 31 - 1939
[[underline]] 179 Sunday [[/underline]] - More snow and more signing checks for members of the family etc. - Beautiful day - all white of Snow. Spent day packing for Florida. - Celine out invited to concert performance by the Malis and the Grenades. Gave final touch to the port-wine, for Columbia "older graduates" I made from my old wine - grapes which I intend to send to the annual dinner of the "older graduates of Columbia. - This day would be perfect but for the horrible war situation in Europe. - What a luck for us that we settled in the United States where we are raising a family of which we can be proud and whence we can help those of our family who are in Belgium [[underline]] or France. [[/underline]]
[[Note written in L margin: See note book beginning Jan 1 - 1940]]
[[large X drawn through paragraph]] I started another note - book like this on Jan 1 - 1940 in which I wrote notes of days following. [[strikeout]] In returning May [[/strikeout]] I prepared my speech for the Franklin Institute where I was to receive on Jan 15. the highest award of the Institute: the Franklin Medal gold medal. The same highest award to be given to my friend Professor Compton Nobel Prize winner. [[/large X drawn through paragraph]]