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[[underline]] 155. [[/underline]] 
Had the very pleasant visit of my dear old Friend Dr. Horne; the sugar chemist He has not changed; same interesting man, gentle and well informed. [[vertical note in left margin]] Dr. Horne [[/left margin]] - Talked of old times and old friends. He tells me Dr. Bowman is still much alive and now lives in Washington 1808 Eye street Hotel Benedict-Washington 
[[underline]] Jan 17. [[/underline]] Afternoon went to Sears Roebuck. 
[[vertical note in left margin]] Dr. Bowman [[/vertical in left margin]] 
[[underline]] Jan 18. [[/underline]] Went driving Ford car all alone. Afternoon went to Yacht Club. - Cold weather 
[[underline]] Jan 19. [[/underline]] Celine writes me she hurt her right foot-heel and surgeon has bandaged it. 
[[underline]] Jan 20 [[/underline]] But at 7 P.M received telegram her foot is better and she will arrive here as planned first [[strikethrough]] I went [[/strikethrough]] Drove to the Monkey farm with Ford car alone 
[[underline]] Jan 21 [[/underline]] Noisy inauguration of Roosevelt in [[underline]] Washington [[/underline]] for his third term. Speeches in morning and afternoon etc. [[underline]] Jan 22. [[/underline]] Found out that my cloudy recently made wine gets much improved by adding old [[underline]] sour [[/underline]] wine made in 1932 in the ratio of 10 c.c [[underline]] Sour wine [[/underline]] 
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to [[underline]] 1000 c.c. [[/underline]] new sweet wine. Went out motoring all day and feel at ease in driving my new car. Afternoon drove to Miami then to Club. The Pram has been revarnished so successfully that it looks like new. Have mailed (Air Mail) a letter to Celine to inform us what time her train is due here saturday. 
[[underline]] Jan. 23. [[/underline]] Up early; drove to Fairchild interesting talk. - Then went out in sail dinghy with Rowe. This dinghy, newly varnished and its sail well fitted behaved very well and made me feel much younger. 
Jan. 24. This morning went to Fairchild, who is writing his memoirs. Also comparing lasting qualities of Bakelite Varnished wooden labels for plants and trees. - Some exposed since several years, still look very well. The India Ink very lisible 
[[underline]] Jan 25. [[/underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin]] Saturday [[/vertical in left margin]] 
Found out that if I add some sour wine of years ago to my too sweet wine at the rate of 1000 c.c. sweet wine and 100 cc of sour wine made former years [[strikethrough]] ths [[/strikethrough]] this makes an excellent mixture