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Was formerly with the U.S Coast Guard, from which he retired with honorable discharge; because his wife wanted to live in the city. He is [[underlined]] expected to arrive [[/underlined]] here Tuesday [[underlined]] 
4 March [[/underlined]] by the Clyde Line S.S. [[underlined]] Swanee [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] February 26. [[/underlined]] A few days ago (24) had the visit of Dr. Wm J. Hale who as usually came around with various news about the applications of Chemistry and agriculture. - One of them being that [[underlined]] plants ought to grow in water, properly fertilized, and not in sand [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] nor soil, etc. - took him to Fairchild Garden.
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Feb 21 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Feb 25. [[/underlined]] At home
[[underlined]] Feb 26 [[/underlined]] Drove to Miami with Andrew, to firm that sold me our [[underlined]] Diesel engine [[/underlined]] of ION [[strikethrough]] 
[[left margin]]
[[underlined]] Atlas Machine & Welding Co, sells and [[/underlined]] 316 S.W. North River drive repairs Diesel engines
Tel = 2-8328
[[/left margin]]
He gave [[/strikethrough]] The head of the firm? whose name I have forgotten gave me a [[strikethrough]] boo [[/strikethrough]] copy of a book on Diesel engines.
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Then went to the [[strikethrough]] tile [[/strikethrough]] floor-tile men for the new replacing tiles which they had promised but which have not yet arrived.
[[underlined]] Feb. [[overwritten]] 28 [[/overwritten]] 27. Told Murray our intention of engaging Paul Schniedicke, [[/underlined]] former member of the Miami Coast gard, etc. - [[underlined]] Andrew became furious. [[/underlined]] - I told him that on the first days after my arrival here from New York, he (Murray) had announced me that he was giving up his present position with me and intended to start business for himself. (See former pages of my notes). that naturally I had to prepare myself for another man to succeed him, and that now he had built a house & ground for himself he and his family would have to vacate their present quarters before the arrival of the new caretakers.
He also complained that he had worked for me faithfully and also for Bakelite corporation, in exposure of Bakelite test plates and never received any money from Bakelite except a small sum long ago.
Told him I would see to it that he should be compensated for this work, and that in the 
^[[See former page]]