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February 19. This morning went shopping for food etc to be served to my guests ^ at ^[[G.]] Washington Birthday on the ION [[strikethrough]]tomorrow [[strikethrough]] Saturday
^[[1941]] [[underline]] Feb 20. [[/underline]] Got guest tickets for to morrow for:
D. Fairchild, Professor Muller and his mother and wife
^[[1941]] [[underline]] Feb 21. [[/underline]] Went out sailing in Pram. Discussed with Celine, the new man engaged for taking charge of The "Anchorage" if Andrew leaves.
^[[1941]] [[underline]] Feb 22. [[/underline]] 
Washington's Birthday anniversary. - Fine weather. Left my harbor early with our ION. - No crew beyond Andrew and myself. - Arrived home in advance of the others who came with the Club boat or in their yachts. Was much pleased to see that the vegetation on Matheson's Island had not suffered at all by the horrible freezing weather of one year ago.
By and by others arrived, everybody in a cheerful mood. Was much pleased to see Mr. Arthur Curtis James
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standing on [[underline]] his two legs [[/underline]] holding fast on the railing of his yacht, saluting his many friends who had arrived. Then the usual open air lunches served with the usual clam chowder from the huge cast iron caldrons, where they were cooking since early in the morning.
We left homewards at 4 P.M. sunny pleasant weather. Arrive in my port at 5 P.M.
^[[1941]] [[underline]] Feb 23 [[/underline]] (Sunday). - "Sunburn regatta among club members. Celine away at her exhibition of paintings at Miami Beach. Charles, the colored man drove her.
^[[1941]] [[underline]] Feb 24. [[/underline]] Early this morning had the visit of a lady in her car, and showing damage on its rear fender; which she says was caused by Charles yesterday afternoon. - Charles says it was she (or her husband) who dumped in our car and damaged one of the rear fenders. She was willing to accept 
2$. as price for redressing the damaged fender. This afternoon after visiting the firm that laid the flooring in "The Anchorage,"

Transcription Notes:
"Pram" refers to a small utility dinghy. "ION" is Dr. Baekeland's yacht.