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was accosted by her husband, who had spotted us while my car was standing near the office of the tile manufacturers. He explained us that our nigger after causing the damage had driven away instead of following police-rules, which command that the man who is alleged to have caused the damage should stop and wait until a policeman comes around who can report. - The whole conversation to which Andrew listened was carried on in a polite way. - I finally suggested that I pay five Dollars which is more than the damage had caused. - The owner of the car accepted [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] my suggestion cheerfully and I gave him a 5 Dollar bill. [[vertical note in left margin]] L. Levell? [[/vertical note in left margin]] Later on when returning homeward, I stopped long enough to the insurance man to tell him the whole story. He explained that in such a case the first thing to do is to get a policemen inspect the damage, and that the driver or drivers must remain under the direction of the policemen, until he
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permits them to drive away. Have lately suffered by pain in my back: - Hot electric pads have moderated it somewhat.
^[[1941]] [[underline]] Tuesday, Feb 25. [[/underline]] A violent rain fall this morning. But it only lasted about 1/2 hour. Got the good news that Brooksie Baekeland has passed his exam at Harvard. George B. sent us a long letter of many pages, all very interesting concerning his visits and experiences in Buenos Ayres, Brazil, etc. Also a letter from Peter Roll addressed to Celine. He writes how [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] much he enjoyed the oranges he received at school from here and that there is no snow in Connecticut where his school stands.
^[[1941]] [[underline]] Feb 26. [[/underline]] Went to town with Murray to get book on tiles
[[underline]] Thursday [[/underline]] 27. Tried Diesel engine on ION. Go to Atlas Machine and Welding Co. 316 S.W. North River drive to get more information as to run my Diesel on the ION also where and how to get real Diesel oil. Then went to concern that sold me [[strikethrough]] ther [[/strikethrough]] their floor tiles.