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Murray who [[strikethrough]] on a [[/strikethrough]] a few days ago announced me that he wants to leave my service to do business for himself, took up again this subject. Told him am sorry to hear it but if it brings about prosperity to him I shall be glad to know it. - He has given me trouble in the past by the behavior of his half crazy and pretentious wife. - He then began to reproach Celine of having been unkind to his wife etc etc. 
Wrote me a letter that he during the time he was with me had never received a cent from Bakelite Co, for which he had made reports about sun exposures of wooden boards coated with Bakelite Varnish etc etc. no end of complaints.
Told him that the matter could easily be settled and gave him my check for 400$., to which I added 200 more making it 600 in all.
Told all this to Celine on her arrival. The fact is that Murray, while I was North spent most of his time building a house, for himself. That when I arrived this year from the North, I found that there was not a single person at the Anchorage, and gates and doors
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71/                                   [[vertical note in left margin]] [[underline]] Andrew [[/underline]] [[/left margin]] 
had no protection against intruders.
He again became unpleasant. In order to discontinue his [[underline]] att [[/underline]] attitude. I gave him a further check to get rid of him
[[underline]] March 1 [[/underline]] He broke loose again but started taking away his furniture, so that the man ^[[Paul]] Schmiedike with his wife and small [[strikethrough]] may oc [[/strikethrough]] child may occupy the premises, on arrival by the boat from New York. [[underline]] Schmiedike is an engineer [[/underline]] and formerly served here in the Coast-Guard and comes with excellent recommendations.
They arrived on [[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Tuesday March 4.]] March 1.
On that same day arrived here my daughter Nina and her husband who are to occupy the house of Dr. Grosvenor of National Geographic Society. The Schmedike family made an excellent impression. They came by S.S. "Swanee River" of Clyde Line.
Wednesday March 5. Went to Miami for [[red underline]] Drivers license, for Schmiedike  [[/red underline]] for running my motor car.
Afternoon visit of Phillip Wyman and his wife (my daughter Nina)