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called "Western Union" a striking presentation in color of the tragedies of earlier years, when "Western Union" was bold enough to establish telegraph connections with the untamed Indians of the unsettled West. Very stirring representation.
This morning my car [[strikethrough]] got [[/strikethrough]] underwent annual Police examination as to number, tires., brakes etc.
[[underlined]] April 15. [[/underlined]] George and wife still away. Celine at dinner invitation. I went to visit Dr. Grosvenor of National Geographic Magazine, in his house. Drove him to my garden to see some of my trees and more particularly for my sweet "Jamaica" Sugar Apples" which are not ripe. - 
More hard fighting in Europe and Africa. - Contradicting reports emanating from the Nazis and from the British armies. - When and how will it end, while Rosevelt and his bunch are adding billions of Dollars without stopping and while being backed by our congress - men who are dancing as he whisles!
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My sister in Brussels sent us a letter announcing that the lady who holds the boarding pension can no long continue to deliver food and lodging to her boarders, unless price is augmented in unison of the ever increasing cost of food in Belgium. - Same condition seems to exist in all the countries which have been annexed by the Germans. Also in England. - When food is sent from here, the Germans will seize it for their own purposes.
At home all day, except for visiting Dr. Grosvenor of the National Geographic Society Took him to the Anchorage to see my fruit trees and general outlay.
This afternoon at five went to Air plane landing, hoping to see George and his wife returning from Nassouw. But they did not arrive and will stay [[strikethrough]] another day [[/strikethrough]] there, until they can fly over to here and find accomodation on a train that brings them to New York. - Passenger list now is crowded
[[underlined]] April 16. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Went to [[/strikethrough]] Drove with Paul and Rawl to the Yacht shed [[strikethrough]] nea [[/strikethrough]] near Musa Insel, where