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June 27.
Celine drove to New York to have further [[strikethrough]] urin [[/strikethrough]] urin examinated by specialist.
[[underlined]] June 28. [[/underlined]] Wedding of Celine Roll at the house and gardens of Phil Wyman. - After the Church Ceremonies, there was a generous reception and refreshments. I was astonished to meet so many friends I had not seen for a long time. Celine's husband makes a good impression and [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] is engaged by Dupont Co in their chemical departments. I hope Celine Roll will have a happy married life. - She deserves it. Her stupid father was there, all togged out in an excellent suit of clothes. The whole thing was well arranged and the weather excellent. - Celine and myself drove back home much pleased and impressed by the whole
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thing. - June 29. - 1941
The Germans spreed the News that they are to attack the Russians so as to dispose of the British. etc. - Same arrogance. Meantime the British want to join the Finns. etc. etc.
All this reminds me of the former great war, where so many stupid mistakes were made. Mr. Hoover Former President of the United States published a well conceived advice to Roosevelt and the stupid crowd around him. - I hope they will listen to Hoover before it is too late Mean time the Russians have broken lose.
All this carries quite a repetitions of all the stupid blunders committed during the former European War, the details of which are to be found in a newly published book: