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[[underlined]] 130 [[/underlined]]
[[left margin vertical]] Shirer [[/left margin vertical]]
by the Well known American War. correspondent, William L. Shire [[underlined with strikethrough]] d [[/underlined with strikethrough]] ^r. "The Journal of a Foreign War Corespondant 1934 - 1941 who was the Berlin War Corespondent of the Columbia Broadcasting System. I hope many people will read it and more particularly our presumptious men in Washington inclusive Roosevelt and his group and advisers. Hoover is the right man to advise them. But none of those politicians want to listen.
July 2. A hot day again, X and Newspapers announce that the Soviets are being beaten by the Nazis, and our President Roosevelt and his followers seems to want the U.S. to help Mussolini!!
[[left margin vertical]] 
[[arrow points to the number:]] 94 
                    X  Maxima = 92 
                       Minima = 72 
[[/left margin vertical]]
I do not feel well this morning
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] July 4 [[/underlined]] = Went for luncheon to the home of Mr. [[underlined]] Grenade [[/underlined]] with Celine
[[left margin vertical underlined]] Grenade [[/left margin vertical underlined]]
Their whole family was there. Also another guest, who act for Belgian Government and also for Belgian finances, here, in the Congo and other parts of the world in which Belgium is interested
[[underlined]] July 5 [[/underlined]] ([[strikethrough]] Sunday [[/strikethrough]]) Saturday.
Celine's health has been much improved during the last days. and she seems as fit as ever except that she should not take risks and tire herself. But she spends more moderate time in bed and does not expose herself to fatigue.
That book of William L. Shirer American War Corespondent giving his experiences in Europe in various countries and mainly in Germany has for title "Berlin Diary: William L. Shirer. It is so full of interesting information