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[[underlined]] Oct 15. [[/underlined]] Continued bad news from the European war. [[strikethrough]] Fa [[/strikethrough]] fighting and killing keeps on in Russia.
Went to Chemists Club to pass on application for membership of new candidates. - Cold raw rainy weather.
[[underlined]] Oct. 17. [[/underlined]] The surveyors of Yonkers City arrived here this morning for establishing value and size of my Yonkers property and adjacent properties. They went carefully over every detail. I wonder how much more I shall have to pay on taxes Celine went to New York for massage etc. - Further bad news from the war... Russians being driven back by the Nazis Started to prepare my lecture for Columbia Chemical engineers
[[strikethrough]] October [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] October 18. [[/underlined]] At home all day. Mild weather.
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Celine went to visit Nina ^[[to play cards]] at her house. Further fighting in Russia. - [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] Hitler's soldiers seem to be more successful than the Russians.
[[strikethrough]] 1940. [[/strikethrough]] 1941 - Wednesday [[underlined]] October [[/underlined]] 1941 Sulphonamid, Sulfodiazine Sinus and Streptococcus
[[underlined]] October 20. [[/underlined]] Faculty meeting 4:10 P.M. But interrupted by an explosion of chemicals, sulfuric acid in the room adjacent to Hixsons office Acid spattered around and on face, arms and hands from operators. - Newspapers reported it
This afternoon met George at his office, seems very cheerful and business O.K.
[[underlined]] October 21 [[/underlined]] Better reports about those who had been damaged on skin or clothes by the explosion of last night