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[[left margin vertical]] Dear Friend Kirk Patric of Chem & Met. Engineering had arranged all this to perfection. [[/left margin vertical]] 
and beer were distributed at libitum. Before the dinner most of us had visited the impressive exhibits of chemical and chemical engineering . of which the Bakelite exhibit seemed to attract most of the visitors. - Before the dinner at the Club we had plenty of opportunity for meeting the guests: Later on demonstrations were given by projecting colored view of the new factories, some of which had undertaken to [[strikethrough]] separate [[/strikethrough]] extract magnesium, bromide etc. etc from the seewater adjacent to the Dow factories. A very interesting evening well arranged and gave us much opportunity to get acquainted with this progress.
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December 3d/1 - Went to office to urge our men [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the head of our enterprises, to visit our exhibit at the Central Palace - display which attracts so much attention.
[[underlined]] "Dickies" [[/underlined]] baby seems to be getting along well. _ Celine went to visit them today at the hospital.
Stayed home all day; putting things in shape. and answering letters. One of them is from a Mr. O. C. Zinkeisen 510 South Spring Street, Los Angeles California, who wants to join again the American Chemical Society of which he was formerly a member. So I am writing to Charles Parsons in Washington to this effect.
Also got a very interesting letter dated P.O Box 37 Windham Connecticut. and