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the tricky way Japan has acted Britain for awhile dropped European news and concentrated in the house of Commons etc. her indignation to Japan and counts on the joint action against Japan, by the United States and Britain. I have no doubt that Japan has been trained by Germany, for what has occured now, since many years. While at that time I was in Japan I noticed that many Japs went to study militarishm. in Germany; for years acquiring thus the ways of Germany; even parading their German obtained uniforms and artillery and weapons from Germany. - The U.S in the mean time humiliated the Japanese by forbidding them too come to us for visiting or studying.
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No wonder there was hatred in Japan against . U.S. - As to the Russians, there was the same feeling since the day when the Japs drove the invading Russians back to Vladivostoc. - At that time the U. S and other nations laughed at the Russians defeat. While not they count upon the Russians to stop Hitler's troups.
Monday. December 8 - 1941
General meeting of both representative houses in Washington presided by the president. to decide and declare war against the Japanese. Both houses after a meeting this morning. Both houses declared [[strikethrough]] declaration [[/strikethrough]] war against Japan unananamously except one [[underlined]] missing [[/underlined]] vote for a missing man. No discussion whatever. - So we are at war since today.