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December 9 - 1941. - General indignation about Japan; exception Europe by the Axis and more particularly by Mussolini and the Italians.
England has offered her help to the U.S., cooperating thru her possessions. _ The Russians may take this opportunity to revenge herself. since she was so badly licked by the Japs at the battle of Vladivostock where the Prussians were driven back. Canada made her declaration of joining U.S.A. - So did the Netherlands Indies. Last night made declaration of war to Japan.
December 10. Brittain and Canada - have expressed their violent denunciation to Japan
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for her dirty tricks. So has the U.S. . The movies are showing the happenings of Japan and how. U.S and England and Canada [[strikethrough]] and [[strikethrough]] have the Japanese in Washington are sent [[strikethrough]] away [[/strikethrough]] away, to . their country. Of course the Nazis with Italy rejoice in what Japan has done to join, the Axis on which they expect to cooperate.
In New York several hundred Japanese, who have lived and worked here and other U.S places. have been arrested. The poor devils are not to blame for what Japan has done. and are stranded here.
[[underlined]] December 11. [[/underlined]] Went to see Prof Hikson at Columbia, to agree upon a day when I can give a lecture on [[strikethrough]] Amino [[/strikethrough]] plastics