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readiness to participate with the Japs, altho' German troops are retiring from Russia as fast as they can. The Italians broadcast that they are fighting [[underlined]] against [[/underlined]] their enemy in Lybia and claim  to have destroyed enemy planes on the Mediterranean. [[underlined]] Singapore [[/underlined]] for the 4th successive night has no air alarm said the United Press. The Italians in the U.S. had arranged meetings all over the U.S. had arranged meetings all over the U.S. in which they declared firmly the U.S. as their real fatherland; ready to fight any other Italians. On a meeting of naturalized Germans, they declared themselves that they no longer subjects of Germany, but American citizens, ready to fight for their adoptive American country.
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[[underlined]] December 16 [[/underlined]Further bad news from the Japanese and their surroundings are continuing their attacks on American, British and Dutch ships; using action from lands seas and skies. Hong Kong is reported to have been taken by the Japs. George ^[[B]] told me that his son Brooksie has decided to join the Canadian forces, where he thinks there is greater opportunity for his endeavors and advancement. I went to University Club for luncheon. - Nazis are returning as fast as possible towards the South, while being followed by the Russian Reds. 
The war with Japan in the Phillipines is and will continue to be summarily an air war. The Japanese seem to take a desperate gamble.