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[[underlined]] 18. [[/underlined]]
Dickies recently born boy seems to be doing well. Have mailed $10.00 to the Chemists Club for Xmas of the employes.
A beautiful clear day: stayed at Snug Rock all day.
Since the surprise of the Japanese unexpected war, the whole pacific coast of the U.S. and adjacent contries are taking care against possibility of warfare from the Japs.
[[underlined]] December 19. [[/underlined]] Bright weather not too cold. Went to office. Found George there with X Molinari and Rossi. - Spoke about Japanese situation. Our friend Mr. Low who directs our Bound Brook plant joined us. - Rossi told us that the only Japanese we have and who is a very reliable man and quite
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19[[underlined at top right of page]]
intelligent ^[[and reliable]] had written him a letter which Rossi showed us. - Rossi had an interview with him and the Japanese's letter had produced tears to both. - We hope we may be allowed to keep him in our service.
Celine went to see our ^[[little]] grandchild and his mother. Both are doing well. Newspapers are full with news about the Phillipines, Japan etc etc
Sunday 21. - Bright dry weather. Newspapers full about the war in Europe where Hitler has retreated and hidden himself.
Dick drove Celine to Georges house in Connecticut. Will be back before dark.
[[underlined]] Monday [[/underlined]] 22. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] More news about what is going on in the Phillipines Also about Hitler resting at Burgtesgarden and trying to