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the opportunity to observe the men who applied enrolment in the U.S. Navy.
Sunday January 25 - 1942.
Yesterday went across the water to Matheson Island with the ION. Paul and the darky was with us. Excellent weather. Also got my license numbers for 1942 for my car.
On returning, [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] Celine and myself were astonished and glad to receive a letter from my sister in Brussels. Part of the letter had been cut out by the Germans. She repeats that food is very scarce and whatever is send to them is partly taken away by the Germans.
Am writing a letter of thanks to Mr. Herbert Hoover for his book: America's First Cruisade
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in which he was so successfully active.
While the war in Japan and neigboring countries is violently going on and no end is in sight in this bloody killing, I find here a copy of "The American Mercury of September 1940 in which contains several pages under the title "We can stop Japan; by Robert Aura smith [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] and so over abundantly friendly towards Japan and how U.S. A. sent to Japan an abundance of iron, metals powder and other explosives!! which Japan is using now in her present war against Britaib=n, U.S. etc. etc.
"At the [[underlined]] precise time when Japan [[/underlined]] " is most vulnerable we accept [[underlined]] that [[/underlined]] the theory that she is invinceble. At the precise time when we have the greatest