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Beautiful day. - This afternoon went out on The ION. with Paul and Rowl. (Colored). [[strikethrough]] B [[/strikethrough]] Went to visit on that lovely Island called "Solder Key". Found several men young and old to whom our visit was unexpected. - Some of these men were college graduates, others simply laborers. Returned home wards and reach my anchorage "Snug Rock" at about 8 P.M. Much satisfied about our trip. - Paul had our Diesel Engine working excellently.
More bad news from every where more particularly at sea and in Malay and Java, where our companies have [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] important manufacturing centers, where our needed. materials are made 
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Received the February 1942 "The Trefoil ) B [[infinity symbol]].
Vol 7 No 1. More ships sunk in different parts of U.S. more particularly in the South. When will this ugly war end!!! Am urgently invited to several meetings of Am. Chemical Society now being held in various places, but had to decline and need a rest, instead of meetings and dinners of the Chemical Society.
Saturday March 7 - 1942.
Took the ION out to "Soldier Key" Island. _ Found several men there, for fishing or collecting other things. Most of them were hardly dressed. Others were students, one a pharmacist etc Excellent bright weather so left for Coconut Grove.