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New Haven Feb. 13th 1837

Dear Sir

     Three days ago I rec'd yours of the 7th inst informing me that your father thinks my price too high for him.  I had much rather sell that place than to rent it & therefore I wish your father would make me an offer and say how much he will give for the property.  Such is the situation of my pecuniary affairs that I will listen to offers for that property [[underlined]] now [[/underlined]] which I would not listen to at an other time.  I would rather sacrifice something than to endure the pain which it costs me to be under the necessity of failing to meet the payments of my paper when they become due.
     It is exceedingly painful to me [[underlined]] now [[/underlined]] to be obliged to say to you that I cannot possibly remit a check of deposit to you as you desired.  The pressure of the times has borne most grieviously upon me this winter & yet I have cause to congratulate myself that I have not done so poorly as might have been expected considering the unparalleled pressure in the money market & the high prices of all the necessaries of life.  I have not contracted any new debts. For a [[underlined]] portrait painter [[/underlined]] to say this in the winter of [[underlined]] 1837 [[/underlined]] is, I am sorry to say, saying a good deal.
     If your father thinks propper to make me an offer for the property I would be very glad of an early answer.

Yours respectfully [[blot out]]
Ambrose Andrews

D.R. Williams