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Washington March 3d. 1848.
at Mrs. Whitwell's 4 1/2 Street.

Hon. George C. Washington,

Sir,                       ^[[circle]] 65 [[/circle]]

The citizens of Boston, Mas. have commissioned me to to paint a group in the U.S. Senate representing Mr. Webster replying to General Hayne in 1830.  As you were in the lower House at the time I am desirous that you should be painted into my picture. You will do me a favor [[insertion]] by [[/insertion]] sending me a line saying on what day & hour will work you will give me the 1st sitting in the Committee room on Private Land Clams to the Senate. I shall remain [[blot out]] short time longer.

I have the honor to remain
Respectfully Yours,
Geo. P. Healy

P.S. I make this request at the suggestion of Mr. Webster.