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[[seal]] E PLURIBUS UNUM [[/seal]]


Accra, Ghana,
May 5, 1966.

Dear Frances:

Thank you for your nice letter of March 17 and forgive my lengthy delay in answering. I am sure you must know that with events that have occurred here I've been as busy as a one-armed paper hanger.

It has been exciting, but even more important it has been challenging. The coup in Ghana was truly a popular one. This was best demonstrated by the fact that at no time -- not even on the day of the take-over -- was it necessary to have a curfew. The country is a different place! You can see the people breathing the air of new-found freedom.

I haven't yet seen Miss Cecilia Agyemang. When she does drop in I will be sure to give her a warm welcome.

Thank you again for your letter. It's good to hear from old friends.

[[signature]] Franklin [[/signature]]
Franklin H. Williams

Mrs. Frances Albrier,
1621 Oregon Street,
Berkeley, California 94703.