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[[underlined]]PURPOSE[[underlined]] To stimulate and encourage the People of San Francisco to execute their full citizenship responsibilities and rights. To create a climate in which the people of San Francisco will feel constrained to participate in Political Activities of the 1956 Election Campaign.

Citizenship Education is one of the Ten National Departments of National Council of Negro Women.

[[underlined]]OBJECTIVE:[[underlined]] To develop political consciousness and responsible participation in our democracy. To emphasize the importance of taking a part in every election on every level of government from our own Local Communities to the Community of Nations.

This Project was made possible by a small grant of money enabling National Urban League and National Council of Negro Women of San Francisco to carry out an Educational Campaign and Program to increase Registration and Voting.

Council Women of San Francisco formed a committee, Chaired by Mrs. Ruth Mueller NCNW Regional Director of formulate plans. True to the Tradition of the National Council of Negro Women, "Always Alerted to Acceptance of a Challenge" A planning Committee was formed.

The committee was composed of National Council of Negro Women. NCNW affiliates, union groups, civic welfare, church, social, professional, fraternal and lay groups.

The Planning Committee and Advisory Board agreed unanimously this project would be tremendously helpful to the community of San Francisco. The project was soon launched on full scale.

It is my belief that staff members, NCNW members, affiliates, and volunteers who participated in this project have had an interesting and valuable experience.

Through my contacts and investigations, I am convinced there are many avenues of approach where Citizenship Education may be applied - - "It Takes a Lot of Living to Make a Solid Citizen."

It is therefore with great pleasure that I compile and present this Financial Report and Brochure as evidence of our activities. Acknowledgement and thanks to volunteers, National Council of Negro Women members, affiliates, and friends appear elsewhere in this Report.

[[written in bottom right corner, 2010.60.1.38]]