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[[underlined]]DESCCRIPTION OF OGRANIZATION[[underlined]]

The program was divided into two phases: Registration Education Voter's Education

FIRST: [[underlined]]Registration Education[[underlined]]

The first phase (Registration Education) started with a well planned and spectacular motorcade of twenty-five cars decorated with banners and posters with unique slogans, urging immediate registration and announcing the deadline date for registration. The motorcade, with police escort, headed by a sound truck (playing records of catchy patriotic tunes) drove from Fillmore District through the business sections, a distance of about 25 miles. The terminating point was at Crispus Attucks Recreation Center where a Registration Campaign Center was set up. For ten days, some 60 or more women volunteers distributed literature, making house to house calls, telephone calles, group contacts, and giving literature announcing location of Registration Centers, urging immediate registration. The last day for registration, volunteers put in a full day of street interviews throughout the city where Registration Centers were located catching many persons who had not registered.


It is estimated that [[underlined]]1750[[underlined]] persons were registered through this effort. A breakdown shows that 600 people were complacent (saw no reason to Vote); 950 were helped to understand the residence requirement; 200 were encouraged to register for the first time.

[[written in bottom right corner, 2010.60.1.38]]