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[[underlined]]City of Hope[[underlined]]

Many Negro citizens have been helped at this hospital which is a Good Samaritan Hospital for those in need of help from cancer, leukemia and other diseases. All races and creeds are helped at this hospital. A Walk will be put on in June for this hospital--a [[underlined]]one-hour Walk around your block.[[underlined]] Council members are requested to give one hour. Please sign up with Floyd G. Allen.

[[underlined]]Go to Church Sunday, May 19th[[underlined]]
All members are requested to be present at [[underlined]]10:45 a.m. at [[underlined]]The Westminister Presbyterian Church,[[underlined]] corner Webster and Page Sts. Pres. will bring ribbon corsages of gold and maroon Bethune college colors. This will be the beginning of Mary McCleod Bethune Commemorative Week, which is May 19th to 26th. Let's start it with our Chaplain and Religious Education Committee by being present and on time.

[[underlined]]Program Honoring Our Founder-Mary McLeod Bethune[[underlined]] May 26th
The Committee in charge of this program is Helen Lignosky, Chr. Public Relations, Erma Carter, Chr. Human Relations who will be responsible for a place and program. That is our regular meeting date, so please keep this date open. Yourself and friends. Note papers on Announcements.

[[underlined]]Changes and Additions[[underlined]]

[[underlined]]Press-Public Relations Committee[[underlined]]
Helen Lignosky has been added and is chairman of Public Relations. Those of you who are interested in this Department, please contact her--1908 Folsom St.

[[underlined]]Human Relations Committee[[underlined]]
Erma B. Carter is chairman. Call her if you would like to work on this committee. 635 Spruce St., SK 2-3824. This is a top Department. Today we are stopping saying Civil Liberties and Civil Rights--we are gradually gaining those rights. Now, it is Human Relations--that is what the Nations of the World are striving for today instead of war.

Check Financial Secretary for correct addresses as many members moved from listed addresses & did not give new ones.

Chairman who have friends who have special talents along any line may invite them to help and participate in programs. The Council Believes in using all Community resources in departmental work regardless of Race or Creed. We are happy to hear from Mrs. Sara Blagburn who will be the chairman of Education and a member of the International Committee.

The Council has kept their dues paid up in the following organizations which are due.
$10. Food for African children-our Youth Council project through National
$10. Hospitality International Center.
$10. To National Councils United Nations Observer.
$25 To upkeep of National Council's house

The President is asking that each member donate seventy-five cents to these projects which will take care of them. Please mail to the President, 1621 Oregon St. Berkeley 3, Calif. as soon as possible.

May The Lord Bless thee, and keep thee;
The Lord make his face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee.
the Lord lift up his countenance upon three
And give thee peace. --Numbers 6:24-26.

Yours for a Council of Hope, Faith and Responsibility,

Frances Albrier-President

[[written in bottom right corner, 2010.60.1.53]]