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[[underlined]] Return [[/underlined]].

My dear Dr. King,

Your letter received,
 I see I am responsible for your getting the idea that I asked you to do something.  I had no other object in writing than simply to lodge my own statement of my case in the mind of a member of the household in which my sister-in-law lives, in as much as she will not hear from me directly, & merely to give the truth a [[underlined]] chance [[/underlined]] to extend to her.  If my action was an undue liberty you should pardon it [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] in a case [[/underlined]] where every other way is denied me, and where as you know well it would be worth far more to Gertrude to be enabled to forgive than me to be forgiven.  It is not [[underlined]] being hated [[/underlined]] that hurts, but hating. 

Yours very tr, A. H. Thayer
Monadnock NH
Oct. 26-'01.

Transcription Notes:
Here is the link to an article on Monadnonk, New Hamnpshire.