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Carex frankii Kunth
In wet [[shat? skat?]] in road way leading to old quarry in Buzzard Mountain. Culpepper Co.,
[[preprinted]] 1783 [[/preprint]] 6-21-36. HA. Allard [[symbol]] [[2 diagonal strokes]] [[symbol]]
(4) (Identify F. J. Hermann)

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[[preprinted]] 1784 [[p/preprint]] (1) Asplenium trichomanes L on Buzzard Mountain at top on rocks--scattered, not abundant.  June 21, 1936
HA. Allard. [[symbol]] [[2 diagonal strokes]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 1785 [[/preprint]] (2) Panicum boscii Poir  On Buzzard Mountain , Culpepper Co. VA 
June 21, 1936- top - H.A. Allard [[symbol]] [[2 diagonal strokes]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 1786 [[/preprint]] (1) 
Asplenium platyneuron (L) Oakes.
On Buzzard Mountain, Culpepper Co. Va.,
near #1784 H.A. Allard 6-21-36
scattered on rocks etc. here [[1 diagonal stroke]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 1787 [[/preprint]] (4) 
Graminae - On Buzzards Mt., Culpepper Co. Va, abundant on thin soil or rocks etc. [[symbol]]  on top. H.A. Allard 
= Hystrix patula Moench. [[symbol]] [[2 diagonal strokes]]

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[[preprinted]] 1788 [[/preprint]] (2)
Carex muhlenbergii Schk. var. enervis Boott
On slopes of Buzzard Mountain, Culpepper Co., Va in wood, June 21, 1936 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]
(Ident. by F. J Hermann) [[2 diagonal strokes]]

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[[preprinted]] 1789 [[preprint]](2) [[?]]
Parthenocissus [[strikethrough]] Ampelopsis [[/strikethrough]] quinquefolia (L.) Planch On rocks on Buzzard Mountain, Culpapper Co., Va 6-21-36 [[symbol]] H.A. Allard - Very abundant here; full bloom.  f. hirsuta [[(Dorm.)?]] Fern. (pubescent) [[symbol]] [[2 diagonal strokes]]

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[[preprinted]] 1790 [[/preprint]] (1)
Arabis laevigata ([[strikethrough]] var [[/strikethrough]] Mulh.) Poir
Top of Buzzard Mountain, Culpepper Co., Va., H.A. Allard  June 21, 1936  [[symbol]] [[2 diagonal strokes]]

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[[preprinted]] 1791 [[/preprint]] (2) 
Galium circaezans [[strikethrough]] pilosum [[/strikethrough]] Michx. [Ait]] Abundant; on Buzzard Mt, Culpepper Co., Va., at top and on slopes in woods.  H.A. Allard June 21, 1936, [[symbol]] [[2 diagonal strokes]]

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[[start page]]

Carex. same loc. habitat, date etc as for #1791
[[preprinted]] 1792 [[/preprint]] (1) 
= C. muhlenbergii Schk. var. enervis Boott (Ident by F. J. Hermann)

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[[preprinted]] 1793 [[/preprinted]] (1)
Panicum xalapense H.B.K on Buzzard Mt., slopes & top; June 21, 1936. H.A. Allard [[2 diagaonal strokes]] [[symbol]] Culpepper Co., Va.

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[[preprinted]] 1794 [[/preprint]] (1) Hypericum [[strikethrough]] densiflorum [[/strikethrough]] prolificum  L (had less than 1 cm long on top of Buzzard Mountain, Culpepper Co., Va 6-21-36 In woods; not in bloom. H.A. Allard

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[[preprinted]] 1795 [[/preprint]] (1)
Galium [[strikethough]] pilosum Ait. [[/strikethrough]] Michx.  On top of Buzzard Mt (The "Twins"), 6-21-36. In woods; abundant here; H.A. Allard   passing flower.  [[2 diagonal strokes]]

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[[preprinted]] 1796 [[/preprint]] (1)
Chilanthes lanosa (Michx.) Walt. [[symbol]]
Same loc. [[strikethrough]] habit [[/strikethrough]] on rocks etc as for #1795 - H.A. Allard. 6-21-36.  [[2 diagonal strokes]] Scattered- at top among rocks etc.

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[[preprinted]] 1797 [[/preprint] (2)
Carex [[strikethrough]] complanata Torr. [[/strikethrough]] = C. hirsutella Mark on Buzzrd Mountain, [[symbol]] [[2 diagonal stroke marks]] Culpepper Co., Va. H.A. Allard - woods.  (Ident. by F.J. Hermann) 
6-21-36 -

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[[preprinted]] 1798 [[/preprint]] (1)
Cimicifuga racemosa [[strikethrough]] (L.) Nutt., [[/strikethrough]] [[2 diagonal stroke marks]] var [[underlined]] dissecta  [[/underlined]] Gray, Given in Gray's Manual as from S.W. Corner W. Del.  One plan only on top of Buzzard Mountain in woods, not in flower - H.A. Allard Rare [[strikethrough]] July [[/strikethrough]] June 21-1936  [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 1799 [[/preprint]] (2) Galium circiaezans - Michx.  on top of Buzzard Mountain, woods, Culpepper Co. VA, 6-21-36. H.A. Allard [[symbol]] [[2 diagonal strokes]] [[symbol]]  abundant   leaves not dotted.

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[[preprinted]]1800  [[/preprint]] (1)
Panicum - Buzzard Mountain, Culpepper Co. Va.    6-21-36 - woods on top. H.A. Allard [[2 diagonal stroke marks]] [[ symbol]]
=P. sphaerocarpon Ell.

[[ end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Great Job