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[[preprinted]] 1873 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Thalictrum polygamum [[/underlined]] Muhl.
Bull Run Mts - woodland swamp on Harris place beyond Mulberry Tree and quarry 1 mi. N. of Hopewell Gap 7-4-36
H. A. Alland. Very abundant in all wet locations Full bloom
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[[preprinted]] 1874 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Pentstemon laevigatus [[/underlined]] Ait.  On roadside bank in Bull Run Mts. 7-4-36. in woodland swamp N.E.  of Harris Place., near cabin - H.A. Allard - one or two plants in full bloom - low ground only
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1875 [[preprinted]](1) in 3 sections A-B-C  
[[underlined]] Lactuca canadensis [[/underlined]] L. (var.) with #1874: Full bloom 7-4-36 H.A. Allard  abundant everywhere to tops ridges.
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1876 [[/preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Scirpus polyphyllus [[/underlined]] Vahl.
Swamp by roadside near #1873 - only in low ground. 7-4-36. abundant. H.A. Allard (Ident. by F. J. Hermann)
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1877 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] = Poa compressa [[/underlined]] L
Gramineae - Bull Run Mts. - in woodland swamp just N of Harris Place and old mulberry tree 1 mi. N. of Hopewell Gap. July 4, 1936. H.A. Allard.
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1878 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Panicum microcarpon [[/underlined]] Muhl.
woodland swamp, ie with #1877. H.A. Allard 7-4-36
Abundant. Nearly past fruiting
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[[preprinted]] 1879 [[/preprinted]] (1)
Zizia aurea (L.) Koch.
Same locality with #1877 Only in fruit : abundant here. July 4 1936.
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[[preprinted]] 1880 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Carex swanii [[/underlined]] (Fernald) Mack.
Growing with #1877 - abundant here. (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)
7-4-36 H.A. Allard
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[[preprinted]] 1881 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Campanula aparinoides [[/underlined]] Pursh.
Scattered - a few - with #1877. 7-4-36. H.A. Allard. See #1829 also. Never abundant.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 1882 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Sisyrinchium graminoides [[/underlined]] Bicknell
7-4-36 H.A. Allard In swampy woods with #1877
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1883 [[/preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Cicuta maculata [[/underlined]] L
Abundant with #1873 mid-bloom - tuberous roots - poisonous
H.A. Allard 7-4-36
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1884 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Houstonia purpurea [[/underlined]] L.
with #1873 - common on wooded slopes - in fruit. 7-4-36. H.A. Allard. Common on highest ridges.
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1885 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Agrimonia gyrosepala [[/underlined]] Wallr.
same loc. with #1873 - on ridges also. full bloom. 7-4-36 H.A. Allard
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1886 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Geum canadense [[/underlined]] Jacq.
with #1873, in drier soil - also on ridges. past bloom. 7-4-36 H.A. Allard abundant.
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1887 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Anemone virginiana [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] L [[/strikethrough]] A. Gray
with #1873 - rich woods and [[loam?]]. 7-4-36 H.A. Allard
abundant on all moist, wooded ridges.
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1888 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Quercus alba [[/underlined]] L
on edge of swamp near #1873
7-4-36. H.A. Allard. On all ridges etc. abundant.
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1889 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Acer rubrum [[/underlined]] L
In woodland swamp with #1873 7-4-36. H.A. Allard abundant on ridges etc.
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 1890 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Panicum microcarpon [[/underlined]] Muhl.
Low woodland swamp with #1873. 7-4-36. H.A. Allard - abundant.

Transcription Notes:
The funny e shaped [[symbol]] indicated that the plant noted has later been card indexed by Allard. As such its important (as are the occasional 2 blue lines) to be transcribed. Because it's a later addition I've added it to the bottom of the each note where it exists (there are occasional mentions where its not noted) -@siobhanleachman I believe the species in 1885 is supposed to be Agrimonia gryposepala, but it appears to be misspelled. Should it be left as is or corrected? And if anyone can figure out the mystery words in entries 1875 and 1878 it would be appreciated! -blondeofthedead Hi blondeofthedead - I think I've worked out the two mysteries! If you could transcribe as it's written that would be great but feel free to leave a note here of the correct spelling for others as well as SI bods. -@siobhanleachman