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[[preprinted]] 2413 [[/preprinted]] Cladonia caespiticia (Pers.) Floerke Soil on way to Harris Place 1 mile N. of Hopewell Gap. Bull Run Mts. H.A. Allard Nov. 22, 1936 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2414 [[/preprinted]] (1) Cladonia = C. papillaria f. molariformis (Hoffm.) Schaer. same loc. etc as for #2413 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2415 [[/preprinted]] (1) Cladonia = same as #2414       same loc. etc as for #2413  2415 [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]] = [[underlined]] Cladonia [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] cristatella [[/underlined]] Tuck. [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2416 [[/preprinted]] (1) Moss = Leucobryum glaucum (L.) Schimp. Bull Run Mts Near #2413. woods. [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2417 [[/preprinted]] (1) Moss. Near #2416 ([[growing?]]) Dicranum scoparium (L.) Hedw. [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2418 [[/preprinted]] (1) Moss.  Same loc. as for #2416  Dicranum scoparium (L.) Hedw. [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2419 [[/preprinted]] (1) Moss   Same loc. as for 2416   Polytrichium ohiense R.&C.  [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2420 [[/preprinted]] (1) Lichen [[underlined]] Umbilicaria pustulata [[/underlined]] (L.) Hoffm. Rocky outcrop 1 mile N of Hopewell Gap near #2413 just west of wild Bean very abundant on all cliffs. in Bull Run    Nov. 22, 1936 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2421 [[/preprinted]] (2) Aster [[Maine?]] Cushion from Arlington Farm. 
low, dwarf, free flowering all summer! [[2 blue pencil diagonal strokes]]   Originally from my sister's garden. Woodbridge Conn. Pressed for Dr. S F. Blake Dec. 18, 1936 [[symbol]] 

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[[preprinted]] 2422 [[/preprinted]] (4) [[underlined]] Lycopodium [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] tristachyum [[/underlined]] Pursh
from westernmost ridge near cabin east of Cox's. My first record here. Abundant in this spot. 
Bull Run Mts, H.A. Allard Dec. 13, 1936. [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2423 [[/preprinted]] (1) Moss: Drummondia clavellata Hook. Same locality with #2422  Tree trunks near ground     Bull Run Mts Dec. 13, 1936. H.A. Allard, [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2424 [[/preprinted]] (1) Moss     On ground near #2422. Polytrichium juniperinum Willd
Bull Run Mts, Dec. 13, 1936 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2425 [[/preprinted]] 1 =[[underlined]] Cladonia tenuis [[/underlined]] f. [[underlined]] setigera [[/underlined]] Sandst. Cladonia (reindeer moss) on ground near Sweet Fern patch just N. of Beverly
Bull Run Mts Dec. 20, 1936 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2426 [[/preprinted]] 1
On burned stump at High Point on ridge
Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard Dec. 20, 1936 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2427 [[/preprinted]] 1 Fioliase liverwort on rocks on slope just east of High Point = [[underlined]] Porella platyphylloidea [[/underlined]] (Schwein.) Lindb.
Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard Dec. 20, 1936 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2428 [[/preprinted]] (1)
Moss    Near 2427 on ground    = Ceratodon purpureus (L.) Brid.
Bull Run Mts Dec. 20, 1936. H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2429 [[/preprinted]] (1)
Moss     On tree trunks standing)
Near High Point on slope.
Drummondia clavellata Hook.
H.A. Allard Dec 20, 1936 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2430 [[/preprinted]] (1) Cladonia (Red tips) on ground with #2425 =C. cristatella f. Beauvoisii (Del.) Wain
Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard Dec. 20, 1936. [[symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed and made minor edits. - GigglePop Reviewed and taken "Soil" out of [[?]]. -@siobhanleachman