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[[preprinted]] 2557 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Anemonella [[/strikethrough]] Syndesmon
thalictroides [[/underlined]]. Blue Ridge near Fire Tower about 6-7 miles from Linden.  abundant on the wooded slopes; full bloom. H.A. Allard 5-1-37 
[[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2558 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[strikethrough]] Stellaria [[/strikethrough]] Alsine [[underlined]] pubera [[/underlined]] (Michx.) Britton.  Beside #2557 Same locality; abundant; full bloom.  H.A. Allard. 5-1-37 
[[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2559 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] Dentaria laciniata [[/underlined]] Muhl. Growing with #2557.  abundant; full bloom on the wooded slopes and in drier places than [[underlined]] heteroplylla [[/underlined]] 
H.A. Allard 5-1-37 
[[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2560 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] Ranunculus [[/underlined]] allegheniensis Britton. Near #2545 near Tower. abundant; full bloom.  
1 j = pH = 6.00 at roots H.A. Allard 5-1-37 [[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2561 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] Arabis [[/underlined]] laesigata (Muhl.) Poir. = 1 F pH = 5.00
On rocks 1/2 mile beyond fire Tower N. on dry outcrop: scattered here; full bloom.  H.A. Allard 5-1-37
[[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2562 [[/preprinted]] [strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Corydalis [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] on rocks near #2561 = 1 H - pH = 6.3 abundant and in full bloom here set - near Tower 
H.A. Allard 5-1-37 [[underlined]] Capnoides [[/underlined]] flavulum (Raf.) Kuntze. 
[[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2563 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Anemonella [[/strikethough]] thalictroides [[/underlined]] 1 G = pH 7.00 very dark brown soil full bloom; abundant - growing with 2545.  H. A. Allard 5-1-37 Syndesmon [[underlined]] thalictroides [[/underlined]] (L.) Hoffmg.  [[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2564 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Saxifraga [[/strikethough]] virginiensis [[/underlined]] - on rocks with #2561 in black leaf mould. abundant; full bloom.  H.A. Allard 5-1-37 Micranthes virginiensis (Michx.) Small. 1 E = pH 5.5 1 F = pH 5.5 soil a black humus loam. 
[[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2565 [[/preprinted]] (1) 
[[underlined]] Dentaria laciniata [[/underlined]] Muhl.  Growing near #2561.  abundant; full bloom  H.A. Allard 5-1-37 [[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2566 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Stellaria [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] Alsine [[underlined]] pubera [[/underlined]] (Michx.) Britton, D = pH = 6.5 black humus soil. near #2558. abundant: full bloom H.A. Allard 5-1-37 [[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2567 [[/preprinted]] (1) 
Viola [[insertion]] sororia Willd. [[/insertion]] (blue) near #2545. full bloom: abundant H.A. Allard 5-1-37 
[[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2568 [[/preprinted]] (2) 
Viola pubescens Ait (yellow) 1B pH = 7.2 in dark brown soil. abundant: full bloom. May 1, 1937 H.A. Allard 5-1-37 On Warren-Fauquier Co line which runs from Linden to Paris
[[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2569 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] Dentaria hetophylla [[/underlined]] Nutt. Near #2545. abundant; full bloom  H.A. Allard 5-1-37 Blue Ridge
[[two blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]] 

[[preprinted]] 2570 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Trillium grandiflorum [[/underlined]] (Michx.) Salisb. [[two blue lines]] On Blue Ridge near Fire Tower 6 miles N. of Linden, Va: abundant; just coming into flower. In black, deep hummified soil H.A. Allard 5-1-37 Blue Ridge [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2571 [[/preprinted]] (3) [[underlined]] Ranunculus [[/underlined]] allegheniensis Britton. Growing near #2570: full bloom; abundant. H.A. Allard 5-1-37  Blue Ridge 
[[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2572 [[/preprinted]] (1) 
Viola papilionecea Pursh. blue in damp pasture  1a = pH 65 near [[strikethrough]] Aldie [[/strikethrough]] Paris. with yellow violets and bloodroot. abundant here: full bloom. H.A. Allard 5-1-37 Bull Run Mts
[[symbol]] [[two blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2573 [[/preprinted]] (3) 
Fraxinus americana L. in run back of Henry [[Caverns?]], S. of Aldie 5 mi. on east slope, Prince William Co. well up toward cliffs by [[underlined]] Morchella esculenta [[/underlined]] find. 
May 4, 1937. H.A. Allard. one tree Bull Run Mts [[image - one arrow pointing from Bull Run Mts to "esculenta" and one arrow pointing to next specimen entry]] 

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[[preprinted]] 2574 [[/preprinted]] 4 
2p pH = 5.5 Prince William Co. [[underlined]] Viola [[/underlined]] fimbriatula. Roadside bank - Triassic Area May 2, 1937 near Antioch, Va. [[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] May 2, 1937. full bloom abundant H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
I think "tine Tower" should be "Fire tower" Reviewed. Only thing I'm not sure about is Henry's surname.[[Caverns?]] -@siobhanleachman