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[[preprinted]] 2719 [[/preprinted]] (1) 
[[underlined]] Ranunculus [[strikethrough]] scleratus [[/underlined]] [/strikethrough] woods, north slope, Mt. Pony, near Culpepper, Va. 5/16/37. H.A. Allard Frequent, scattered. 
= R. recurvatus Poir 
[[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2720 [[/preprinted]] (3) 
[[underlined]] Ranunculus abortivus [[/underlined]] L var typicus Fern.
Near #2719,  5-16-37
H.A. Allard
[[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2721 [[/preprinted]] (2) 
Viola blue, bearded 5-16-37
woods, north slope, abundant; full bloom.
H.A. Allard
= V. sororia Willd.
[[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2722 [[/preprinted]] [[strikethrough]] (11) [[/strikethrough]] (10) 
[[underlined]] Viola [[strikethrough]] pubescens [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] eriocarpa Schwein
capsules densely woolly
woods north slope Mt.Pony, near Culpepper; past bloom. local here. and only the pubescent form in pub. capsules. [[underlined]] (Typica)[[/underlined]]
H.A. Allard 5/16/37
[[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2724 [[/preprinted]] (1)
Galium triflorum Michx. [[snrd?]] in flower; growing near #2723
H.A. Allard 5/16/37
[[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]] 

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 2725 [[/preprinted]] (4) [[underlined]] Galium [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] aparine [[/underlined]] L Growing near #2724 - abundant, full bloom everywhere in thickets etc.
5-16-37. H.A. Allard
 [[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 2726 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[strikethrough]] Rubus [[/strikethrough]]  [[underlined]] Ranunculus allegheniensis [[/underlined]] Brittan
Growing near #2724 - abundant here.
5/16/37. H.A. Allard [[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 2727 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Barbarea [[/underlined]] vulgaris
5/16/37 Growing near #2726.
5/16/37 H.A. Allard
abundant here - passing blooms. [[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 2728 [[/preprinted]] (3) [[underlined]] Salix [[/underlined]] nigra Marsh. In pasture by brook on north slope of Mt. Pony near foot:
5/16/37. H.A. Allard
[[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 2729 [[/preprinted]] (1) Lepidium campestre (L.) R Br. In pasture at foot of north slope of Mt. Pony, near Culpepper. very abundant here; full bloom
H.A. Allard
[[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 2730 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Oxalis [[/underlined]] florida Salisb.  Growing in same pasture with #2728 abundant; full bloom: near highway here [[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 2731 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] Plantago virginica [[/underlined]] L In pasture with #2730 very abundant
5/16/37 H.A. Allard
[[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 2732 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Arenaria serpyllifolia L In same field or pasture as #2730 abundant here.
5/16/37 H.A. Allard
[[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 2733 [[/preprinted (3)
[[underlined]] Antennaria parlinii [[/underlined]] Fermald
In same pasture as #2730  abundant:
5/16/37 H.A. Allard
[[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 2734 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] Ranunculus [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] bulbosus [[/underlined]] L In same pasture as #2730.
H.A. Allard.
very abundant full bloom
[[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]
[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2735 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Cerastium [[/underlined]] vulgatum L
Same pasture with #2730 abundant.
5/16/37 H.A. Allard
[[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 2736 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Senecio [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] aureus [[/underlined]] L
from Allard's rock garden
Clarendon, Va: orig. from Va; Arlington Co.,  up the Potomac.
5/14/1937 H.A. Allard.
full bloom.
[[symbol]] [[checkmark]] [[2 blue lines]] 

Transcription Notes:
Allard omitted the 5/16/37 and H.A. Allard from entry 2730. The editors may want to put them in in the final text.--thomasc Reveiwed -@siobhanleachman