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[[preprinted]] 3295 [[/preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Impatiens pallida [[/underlined]] Nutt
Damp woods well up east slope;
abundant: tall as my head: full bloom.
Rattlesnake Mt.,
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3296 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Rubus odoratus [[/underlined]] L
Damp ravine near # 3295
Scattered; mostly past flowering
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3297 [[/preprinted]] (4)
[[underlined]] Hystrix patula [[/underlined]] Moench
In woods top of mountain:
Abundant; in its prime; beautiful
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3298 [[/preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Bromus [[/underlined]] purgans L
In woods near # 3297
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3299 [[/preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Eupatorium sessilifolium [[/underlined]] L
Woods at top of Mt.
Abundant; full bloom.
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3300 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Morrarda [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
Woods east slope
Koellia pycnanthemum (Leasenr.) Kuntze
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3301 [[/preprinted]] (1)
Aster divaricatus L
Woods; east slope
not in bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3302 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Lappula [[/underlined]] virginiana (L.) Greene.
Damp woods east slope
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3303 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Scrophularia [[/underlined]] marilandica L
Damp woods, east slope
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 3304 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Lappula [[/underlined]] virginiana (L.) Greene
Rich moist woods, east slope:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
east slope
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3305 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Galium [[/underlined]] circaezans Michx.
Woods east slope;
passing flower
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
east slope
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3306 [[/preprinted]] (1)
woods east slope:
Anychia canadensis (L.) B.S.P.
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
east slope
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3307 [[/preprinted]] (3)
[[underlined]] Vernonia glauca [[/underlined]] (L.) Willd.
Pasture at foot of east slope:
abundant; full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
east slope
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3308 [[/preprinted]] (3)
[[underlined]] Tanacetum vulgare [[/underlined]] L
Pasture near # 3307:
large colonies and just coming into bloom
my first record: deep rich orange
ditto [[ditto for:
Rattlesnake Mt.,
east slope
Fauquier Co., Va
July 25, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[two symbols]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3309 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Desmodium nudiflorum [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
Wood road to Harris Place
1 mi N. of Hopewell:
full bloom in woods everywhere
=Meibomia nudiflora (L.) Kuntze. 
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.
July 28, 1937
H.A. Allard
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3310 [[/preprinted]] (3)
[[underlined]] Ascyrium bryfericoides [[/underlined]] L
Near # 3309:
abundant in woods; full bloom
Common on rocky slopes
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.
July 28, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3311 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Rhexia virginiana [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Sabbatia angularis [[/underlined]] (L.) Prush. 
In old broomsedge field at foot of Harris lane at house 1 mi N. of Hopewell; 
full bloom: abundant in damp fields.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.
July 28, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3312 [[/preprinted]] (3)
[[underlined]] Lactuca canadensis [[/underlined]] L (bl. yellow)
On Harris wood road 1 mi. N. Hopewell Gap in opening in woods;
full bloom: common
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.
July 28, 1937
H.A. Allard]]