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[[preprinted]] 3403 [[/preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Ascyrum hypericoides [[/underlined]] L
wooded ridge above spring and large white oak tree at old house site in Jacksons Hollow 
abundant : full bloom in dry rocky soil
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3404 [[/underlined]] (3) 
[[strikethrough]] Carya [[/strikethrough]] Hickonia glaba (Mill.) Britten
On top of Wooded, sterile ridge near # 3403
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3405 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Lactuca canadensis [[/underlined]] L
Top of dry ridge sparsely wooded fl. yellow
with # 3403
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3406 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Lactuca canadensis [[/underlined]] L
Plant g: fl. yellow.
Growing on ridge near # 3405
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3407 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Lactuca canadensis [[/underlined]] L
Open woods top of ridge near # 3405
fl. yellow
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3408 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[strikethrough]] Gerardia [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Aureolaria laevigata [[underlined]] (Raf.)
Wooded slope top, with # 3403
scattered: full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3409 [[/underlined]] (3)
Woods top of ridge near # 3403
= Agrostia hiemalis (Walt.) B.S.P.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3410 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Circaea lutetiana [[/underlined]] L. = [[underlined]] C. latifolia [[/underlined]] Hill
Damp woods at top of ridge a damp spot here;
abundant; full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3411 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Lappula virginiana [[/underlined]] (L.) Greene.
damp spot in woods top of ridge with # 3410.
abundant; past.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 3412 [[/underlined]] (2)
[[underlined]] Agrimonia [[/underlined]] rostellata Wallr.
Top of wooded ridge above (east) of white oak tree spring.
with # 3411
abundant; full bloom
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3413 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[strikethrough]] Labiatere [[/strikethrough]] ?
=[[Phuenies leptustashza?]] L.
fl. recurred on pedmules
[[image of flowers on a stem]]
Growing with # 3412
scattered; full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3414 [[/underlined]] (3)
[[underlined]] Geum [[/underlined]] canadense Jarq.
Growing at top of redge with # 3412
abundant; full bloom.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3415 [[/underlined]] (2)
[[strikethrough]] Satirya [[/strikethrough]] Clinopodium vulgare. L.
In old field above white oak tree-spring
abundant; fl pink
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3416 [[/underlined]] (1)
Asclepias syriaca L.
At spring above white oak tree
grows 18 feet in cir. 3 ft from ground.
abundant; pods dev. in damp soil here.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
Aug 1, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3417 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Sedum telephium [[/underlined]]
This sedum found on east slope in woods below High Point in winter 1936.  Carried to greenhouse and flowered under artificial light increasing day length to 18 hours.  Controls don't bloom-see data. How did it get into woods away from houses etc.[[boxed]] no specimen! [[/boxed]]
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
Prince William Co.,
H.A. Allard]]
August [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]], 1937
Arlington Farm, Va

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3418 [[/underlined]] (2)
[[underlined]] Veronica [[/underlined]] officinalis L.
On thin soil covering a large flat rock in swamp woods on east slope below High Point
Bull Run Mts.
Aug. 5, 1937
H.A. Allard.
Fauquier Co.
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3419 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[strikethrough]] Helianthus [[/strikethrough]] =Silphium trifoliatum L.
Swamp woods below High Point west slope
full bloom.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
August 5, 1937
H.A. Allard
Fauquier Co.]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3420 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Cacalia atriplicifolia [[/underlined]] L
Rich damp woods near # 3419
full bloom.
itto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.,
August 5, 1937
H.A. Allard
Fauquier Co.]]

Transcription Notes:
Allard probably meant "Agrostis hyemalis" in entry # 3409, but I left it as written--thomasc