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[[image: black & white photo of building front]]
[[image caption]] The Stepping Stone [[/image caption]]

fireproof and wind-resisting buildings in St. Louis, and is the greatest owned by the race today. The Annex, completed in 1920 at a cost of one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars, is designed strictly for commercial purposes and is entirely of reinforced concrete and steel construction. It contains the new Mailing Room, Laundry, Laboratory, Finishing Room, Storage, Press Room, Bakery, and three vaults supplied with refrigeration from our six-ton ice plant in the main building. The Laundry and Bakery are provided to take care of our constant and ever-increasing demands for service from these industries and to give employment to our people who are proficient in their management - but who are not given opportunity to advance where the business is owned and operated outside of their racial group. 

There are separate elevators in each building, the one in the Main Building being entirely automatic and requiring no operator. 

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[[image: black & white photograph of lobby]]
[[image caption]] The Lobby [[/image caption]]

[[image: black & white photograph of two women at desk]]
[[image caption]] Information Booth [[/image caption]]

To the rear of our main buildings there is a new garage built at a cost of twelve thousand dollars and containing two sections for the parking of cars, as well as a fully equipped work shop. There is also an office for the mechanic in charge, toilet, lavatory, and shower bath. This garage houses the Poro automotive equipment, which includes a Pierce-Arrow limousine, a Locomobile touring car, a Chandler sportster, a Federal truck and a Ford truck. 

In order to provide for our future growth, and to protect our institution against nuisance, it has been found necessary to acquire neighborhood property to the north, south, east, and west of our buildings. This will eventually be improved and provides well for our further expansion.