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[[image: black & white photograph of first aid room]]
[[image caption]] First Aid and Safety First [[/image caption]]

ployees might be comfortably accommodated at these services. Here, too, the working force is given opportunity to see and hear men and women of note. 

Every effort is made to provide for the comfort and health of employees. A spacious cloak room provides places for hats and wraps and all workers are furnished with uniforms which materially aid in saving of wear and tear on clothing. 

Adequate provision is always made for those employees who are kept from work on account of illness. A visiting committee keeps in touch with them and Mrs. Malone personally sees to it that they do not want for care and attention.

A realization that the health of the worker is closely linked up with his food led Mrs. Malone to make provision for a dining room where employ-

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[[image: black & white photograph of dining room]]
[[image caption]] Noontime [[/image caption]]

[[image: black & white photograph of dining room]]
[[image caption]] The Home of Toothsome Breads and Pastries [[/image caption]]

ees might be sure of wholesome and well cooked meals. Here food is served below cost. A cafeteria is provided on the first floor for those who wish light lunches, ice cream and the like. 

Comfortable rooms are available for those employees who wish to make their home in the building. This feature has meant so much to those girls who have come into the big city without relatives or friends, for it has put them immediately into a wholesome environment.

The social life among the employees is one of the pleasant features connected with the institution. There are various clubs which do effective work. In the last Presidential campaign Poro had its Harding-Coolidge-Hyde-Spen-