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[[image: black & white photograph of dinner party]]
[[image caption]] When Santa Comes to Poro [[/image caption]]

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cer Club and the employees assisted at the many political meetings which were held at the building. 

The employees' Xmas Dinner is an annual affair that is looked forward to with great joy. At this time the workers come to partake of the season's bounty and to receive the gifts that old Santa brings. 

No less important is the annual Parents' Day at which time the parents and guardians of the force are entertained and brought into closer touch with the institution that is furnishing employment to their kin. 

The summer season brings the Annual Outing, for which occasion work is suspended the entire day. The Outing of 1920 was a gala affair. The entire force, with visiting and city agents and a few friends, numbering in all about three hundred and fifty, were carried in gaily decorated cars to Carondelet Park. Organdie dresses of all colors for the women and white outing costumes for the men were provided by Mr. and Mrs. Malone, a sumptuous dinner was served, and later in the day a raffle was held at which every person drew some worth-while prize. The presence of a band, a miniature circus, races and games of all sorts, with prizes for the winning contestants, helped in the merry-making. Various comments from persons outside the College pronounced it the most wonderful picnic ever held in St. Louis.