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hundreds of men and women and give opportunities to graduates of schools in all parts of the country. Scores of boys and girls in the St. Louis schools are enabled through part time work to assist in paying for their education. Our facilities for providing rooms and board for visitors and travelers make it possible for one to feel assured that in St. Louis he will find comfortable and agreeable surroundings. 

There is a desire on the part of the majority of the employees to increase their efficiency to the institution. To assist in this we have an Employees' Extension School which meets twice a week. Here courses are given in modern business practice. These courses are open, by special permission, to applicants for positions and it is from these students that we recruit our workers. 

To the thousands of Poro agents the College has always been looked upon as a shrine and those who have visited it never tire of telling of its wonders. It is our hope that it will be so regarded by the thousands of friends throughout the United States and abroad, and that their pilgrimage here, either in person or through the pages of this booklet, will give a renewed inspiration for the future. 

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[[image: collage of three black & white photographs of buildings]]
[[image caption]] 1. Sumner High School 2. Pine Street Y.M.C.A. 3. Orphans Home [[/image caption]]