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The "PORO" System of Hair Treatment and Instruction

THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this ______ day of ______ 191__, by and between Annie M. Pope-Turnbo, of the city of St. Louis, State of Missouri, part of the first part, and _________, of ______, party of the second part, WITNESSETH THAT

WHEREAS, said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo has knowledge of a certain system or method of treating the scalp and hair having for its object the production or increase of a growth of hair, and general suitable treatment of the scalp and hair and for use in which said party of the first part has adopted certain preparations known as "Poro" Temple Grower, "Poro" Hair Grower, "Poro" Pressing Oil, etc., which said preparations the party of the first part has found by experience to be especially suitable for and adapted to her aforesaid system or method of treatment of the scalp and hair: 

NOW, ThEREFORE, in consideration of the said part of the first part instructing said party of the second part in said "Poro" system or method of treatment of the scalp and hair and in the use and application of said "Poro" remedies and hair applications, said part of the second part hereby agrees as follows: 

1. That the party of the second part will pay to the party of the first part the sum of thirty-five dollars ($35). 
2. That the party of the second part will not use in the practice of said system or method of scalp or hair treatment so taught the part of the second part by the party of the first part as aforesaid any temple grower, pressing oil, or other application or preparation except the above-mentioned "Poro" preparations of the party of the first part, and said party of the second part agrees not to mention having learned the system or method of treatment of the scalp and hair of the party of the first part except in connection with the use by the party of the second part of said "Poro" preparations of the party of the first part and not in connection with the use of any other hair or scalp applications or treatments and not until said party of the second part shall have received from said part of the first part a diploma duly signed by said party of the first part stating that the party of the second part has fully completed the course of instruction prescribed by the party of the first part in said system or method of treating the scalp and hair, and not to teach or attempt to teach such system or method until after having received such a diploma. 
3. Said party of the second part, furthermore, agrees that if the party of the second part teaches said system or method of hair and scalp treatment of the party of the first part wholly or in part to anyone else, it shall be only on the following terms: (a) that said third party shall pay to said second party the sum of thirty-five dollars ($35), of which amount the party of the second part shall immediately pay ten dollars ($10) to the party of the first part out of the first payment made by the said third party; (b) that the said third party shall in advance agree in writing, by signing in the presence of witnesses the agreement appearing below entitled "Subsequent Pupil's Agreement," not to teach said "Poro" system or method of scalp or hair treatment to any subsequent pupil for a less tuition fee than thirty-five dollars ($35), and to pay ten dollars ($10) of said amount immediately to the party of the first part out of the first payment thereon made by such pupil, not without in advance requiring the signature, in the presence of witnesses, of such pupil to the agreement below entitled "Subsequent Pupil's Agreement,", and (c) that said third party shall forward by mail, postage prepaid, to Annie M. Pope-Turnbo, addressed to her at her above address, each of said contracts entitled "Subsequent Pupil's Agreement" as soon as signed. 
4. Said party of the second part agrees to forward by mail to said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo, addressed to her above address, postage prepaid, each contract of the kind entitled "Subsequent Pupil's Agreement" taken from a pupil by the party of the second part and as soon as signed. 
5. No agreements or contracts between the parties have been made except as expressed in writing herein. 

Trade Mark, Registered in U.S. Patent Office, Jan. 8, 1907. Preparation for Treatment of the Hair
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The parties hereto have hereunto affixed their signatures and seals at St. Louis, Missouri, the day and year aforesaid. 
___________ [Seal]
___________ [Seal]