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WHEREAS, Annie M. Pope-Turnbo, of the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, first instituted the "Poro" system or method of treating the scalp and hair, which I am desirous of learning; and

WHEREAS, It has become possible for me to learn same from one having obtained knowledge of same (directly or indirectly) from said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo by reason of instruction originally imparted by said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo to one of her immediate pupils under the terms of a written contract of which the foregoing is substantially a copy, to which contract I hereby admit my privity; and

WHEREAS, It is to the interest of all practitioners of the "Poro" system or method of treating the scalp and hair, that the quality of said treatments be maintained and that the said "Poro" system or method of treating the sale and hair, be practiced only by those who have been competently and fully instructed in said system or method of treating the scalp and hair, and also, that only a suitable preparation or suitable preparations shall be used in administering said treatments:

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of receiving instruction in said system or method of treatment of the scalp and hair and in the use and application of the above-mentioned "Poro" remedies and hair applications, I, as a subsequent pupil, hereby agree as follows:

1. That I will pay to my instructor the sum of thirty-five dollars ($35).

2. That I will not use in the practice of said system or method of scalp and hair treatment so taught me any temple hair grower, pressing oil, or any other application or preparation except the above-mentioned "Poro" preparations of said Annie M. Pop-Turnbo, and that I will not mention having learned her said system or method of treatment of the scalp and hair except in connection with the use by me of said "Poro" preparation of said Annie M. Pop-Turnbo and not in connection with the use of any other hair and scalp applications and treatments and not until I shall have received from said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo a diploma duly signed by her and stating that I have taken the full course of instruction in said system or method of scalp and hair treatment, and that I will not teach or attempt to teach said system or method until I have received such diploma.

3. That I will not teach said system or method of hair and scalp treatment to any one else without first requiring such person to sign a printed agreement identical with this and without requiring full payment of said tuition fee of thirty-five dollars ($35), and that I will immediately pay ten dollars ($10) of this amount to said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo out of the first payment made me by my said pupil; and I will send such printed agreement as soon as signed to said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo by mail, postage prepaid, addressed to her at her above address.

4. I, furthermore, agree that if I teach said system or method of hair or scalp treatment wholly or in part to anyone else it shall only be on the following terms: (a) That said pupil shall pay me the sum of thirty-five dollars ($35), and that I will pay ten dollars ($10) to said Annie M. Pope- Turnbo immediately out of the first payment made me by said pupil; (b) that the said pupil shall in advance agree in writing by signing in the presence of witnesses an agreement identical with this entitled "Subsequent Pupil's Agreement," not to teach said "Poro" system or method of scalp or hair treatment to any subsequent pupil for a tuition fee of less than thirty-five dollars ($35), and to pay ten dollars ($10 of said amount to said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo immediately out of the first payment thereon made to said subsequent pupil by the pupil of said subsequent pupil, nor without in advance requiring the signature, in the presence of witnesses, of such pupil to a "Subsequent Pupil's Agreement" such as this, and not to attempt to teach said system or method until after receiving a diploma signed by said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo stating the completion of a full course of instruction in said system or method; and (c) that I will forward by mail, postage prepaid, to said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo as soon as signed each of the contracts of my pupils entitled "Subsequent Pupil's Agreement."

5. No agreements or contracts between the parties have been made except as expressed in writing herein.
This agreement on my part is made with my instructor and with said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo, and either or both of them may proceed for its enforcement, the consideration for my agreement with said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo being that it was the privilege of said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo either to teach or to refuse to teach said "Poro" system or method of said scalp and hair treatment to her said immediate pupil from whom I will (directly or indirectly) receive my knowledge of said system or method and said knowledge was thus imparted by said Annie M. Pope-Turnbo only upon the execution of the agreement that all subsequent pupils should be obligated in advance of instruction by contract as I am by this agreement, said system and series of contracts being necessary to prevent unqualified persons from undertaking to administer such treatments and in order to prevent the substitution of deleterious or inefficacious or less efficient preparations for said "Poro" preparations.

Trade Mark, Registered in U.S. Patent Office, Jan. 8, 1907, Preparation for Treatment of the Hair.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, said instructor and said subsequent pupil have hereunto affixed their signatures and seals at ...^[[Weir and McCool Miss.]].. this ..^[[15th]].. day of ..^[[March]].., 191^[[5]]..
..^[[Mrs. Grozelia B. Maxwell]].. [SEAL]
..^[["[[ditto for: Mrs.]] Lucile Brown]].. [SEAL]

..^[[Prof. Elder Brown]]..
..^[[Rev. C.H. Maxwell.]]..