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Killard Point, Ardglass, Co. Down. AWS. 17.6.11
B.N.F.C. Excursion

[[2 columns with species name in column 1, a vertical pencil line separating column 2, which contains notes. Transcription shows column 2 ( | ) only when note is present.]]

Agrio. agestis 
Arion subfuscus | In Old Court, Strangford.
Vitrina pellucida
Hyalinia alliaria
Helix rotundata
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] nemoralis | The well known "Killard" high-spired form.
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] aspersa. | On Kilclief Castle to the summit of the turrets.
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] barbara | Var. [[underlined]] bifasciata [[/underlined]] mainly.
Coch. lubrica.
Pupa cylindracea
" [[Ditto for: Pupa]] muscorum
Vertigo pygmaea.

[[double horizontal lines]]

Transcription Notes:
The species names need double checking as I've yet to get my eye in with Stelfox's writing. I'm working my way through checking via and google but am having real difficulty hence the number of [[?]] Am finding this page helpful along with -@siobhanleachman Helix barbara = Cochlicella barbara