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58. Pevensey Level continued Hyalina cellaria | 1. Helix rufescens | 1. " [[Ditto for: Helix]] virgata | 2. " [[Ditto for: Helix]] cantiana | 1. " [[Ditto for: Helix]] aspersa. | 1. Pupa cylindracea | 1. Succinea pfeifferi | 1 & 2. Limnaea pereger | 1,2 & 3 " [[Ditto for: Limnaea]] auricularia | 2. In river just outside town. with [[underlined]] A. cygnea [[/underlined]], &c. at B [[arrow pointing right]] " [[Ditto for: Limnaea]] stagnalis | 1, 2 & 3. " [[Ditto for: Limnaea]] palustris | 1, 2 & 3. Physa fontinalis | 1, 2 & 3. Planorbis albus | " [[Ditto for: 1, 2 & 3]] " [[Ditto for" Planorbis]] umbilicatus | " [[Ditto for: 1, 2 & 3]] " [[Ditto for: Planorbis]] vortex "[[Ditto for: 1, 2 & 3]] " [[Ditto for: Planorbis]] vorticulus | " [[Ditto for: 1, 2 & 3]] The refinding of this overlooked species was the main reason of my visit to Sussex. (See A.S.K. Jour. of Moloc. ) It was quite common in some drains [[insertion]] ^ [[circled]] at C [[/circled]] [[/insertion]], but [[end page]] [[start page]] 59 local and appeared to be living along the grass at the edge of the drains, while [[underlined]] P. vortex [[/underlined]] was common in the middle of the drain. Its habits resembled [[underlined]] P. crista [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] P. fontan [[/underlined]] Pl. crista | C.E. Wright only. 2. Evidently rare. " [[Ditto for: Pl.]] fontanus | Rare. 2 & 3. " [[Ditto for: Pl.]] contortus | 1, 2 & 3. [[image - hand drawn map with labels for roads, drains, river, and collecting locations A, B, and C]] Segmentina nitida | 2. One fine species taken by E. Collier at C. [[arrow pointing toward location C on drawn map]] Bith. tentaculata | 2 & 3. " [[Ditto for: Bith.]] leachii | 1, 2 & 3 Valvata cristata " [[Ditto for: Valvata]] macrostoma | A few specs in drain at A [[arrow pointing to drawn map]] (2). " [[Ditto fo:r Valvata]] piscinalis | 2. At B. but not Common. Pal. jenkinsi | 2. Several at B. Rare. Var. [[underlined]] coronata [[/underlined]]. Sph. corneum | 1, 2 & 3 Anodanta cygnea | Dead shells in River at B. 2. Pis. amnicum | One at C (Collier or Wright) 2. " [[Ditto for: Pis.]] pulchellum [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]]. 3. " [[Ditto for: Pis.]] " [[Ditto for: Pis.]] 1 [[circled]] 337. [[/circled]] Moat. 2 [[circled]] 338 [[/circled]] Oldhaven 3 [[circled]] 339 [[/circled]] Westham.