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Marsh beyond South Malling
(2nd Visit, see p.54.), Lewes, ES. 
AWS, RW, E. Collier, C.E.W. & L.E.A. 
[[List of species on left with comments to right of line, here separated by | ]]
Agrio. agrestis
Hyalinia cellaria
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]]  nitidula
Zon. nitidus
Helix rotundata 
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] hispida
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] rufescens
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] cantiana
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] arbustorum | In nettle along wooded bank of marsh [[underlined]]  Splendid ground! [[/underlined]]
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] hortenis  
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] nemoralis [[bracket indicating next comment refers to previous two specimens]] All dead

" [[Ditto for: Helix]] aspersa
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] virgata
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] intersecta |  = [[underlined]] caperata [[/underlined]] Mont. On Downs.
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] heripensis | In headge of lane leading to the marsh. 

Coch. lubrica.
Succinea putris |  Rare. 
" [[Ditto for: Succinea]] pfeifferi

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[List of species on left with comments to right of line, here separated by | ]]
Limnaea pereger
" [[Ditto for: Limnaea]] palustris
" [[Ditto for: Limnaea]] stagnalis
Physa fontinalis
Planorbis albus
" [[Ditto for: Planorbis]] umbilicatus
" [[Ditto for: Planorbis]] vortex
" [[Ditto for: Planorbis]] vorticulus
" [[Ditto for: Planorbis]] contortus  
" [[Ditto for: Planorbis]] fontanus
Bith. tentaculata
Valvata cristata |  Common
" [[Ditto for: Valvata]] macrostoma     
" [[Ditto for: Valvata]] piscinalis
[[Bracket incorporating last two specimens]] Not apparently caring much for each others company, not certainly associated in one or two drains, or rather parts of one drain, that parallel with the road & "wood".
Pal. jenkinsi | A few odd specimens. Very large.
Cyclostoma elegans
Sph. corneum
" [[Ditto for: Pisidium]]
[[side note]]
[[circled]] 342 [[/circled]] missing
[[/side note]]

Transcription Notes:
@mlmarshall13: Corrected Helix arbustorum.