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East side of Dingle Harbour, S. Kerry.
A.W.S. 12.6.12.

[[underlined]] Gt. Blasket. [[/underlined]] A.W.S. 13 - 16. June 1912. 
S. Kerry 
Northwest cliffs.  13.6.12.

[[List of species on left, remarks about them to right of drawn line, designated here by | ]]

Limax cinereo-niger |  Pale yellow-brown ground colour with stripes. 
Agrio. agrestis | Mostly pale.
Milax gagates | Var. [[underlined]] plumbea.  [[/underlined]] Common.
Arion ater | Type & Var [[underlined]] brunnea [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] aterrima [[/underlined]].
" [[Ditto for: Arion]] intermedius
Hyalinia cellaria 
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] alliaria
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] radiatula  
Helix rotandata

[[side note]] All published in Irish Naturalist fr [[underlined]] Oct. 1912 [[/underlined]] [[/side note]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Map of Gt. Blasket.
[[Image: pencil sketch of compass rose with North arrow pointing to right of page, with remaining cardinal directions (E,S,W) shown, includes question mark ?]]
[[Image: pencil sketch of island, elongated in a North-South direction, with landmarks identified and locations of specimens collected along coastline]] 
[[place names on map]]
[[circled]] . [[/circled]] Croughmore
[[circled]] . [[/circled]] Slievedonagh 
[[circled]] . [[/circled]] Signal Tower
Garraun Point
[[/place names on map]]

H. [[strikethrough]] pulchella [[/strikethrough]] = excentrica! A.W.S. 1924 2 specimens! 
" [[Ditto for: H.]] nemoralis
" [[Ditto for: H.]] intersecta | A queer little form.
Coch. lubrica
Carychium minimum
Clausilia bidentata
Vertigo substriata |  One specimen but lost. Probably inside a [[underlined]] Hyalinia [[/underlined]]  
Pupa anglica | & P. cylindracea.
  Harbour Sands  14.6.12
[[Image: photograph of island with notations pointing to key locations]]
[[photograph notations]]
Slieve donagh 1937 ft. [[arrow]] 
x Foilbeg [[arrow pointing to "x" drawn on photograph]]
Habitat for [[underlined]] L. cineres-niger [[/underlined]] under stones in foreground. [[arrow pointing to stones in photograph]]
North cliffs of Gt. Blasket. Ternaght in distance.
[[/photograph notations]]

Arion ater 
Helix nemoralis
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] aspersa
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] virgata
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] itala
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] intersecta
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] barbara.
Southeast cliffs  13.6.12
Arion ater 
" [[Ditto for: Arion]] subfuscus
Limax arborum |  In millions in the rocks at dusk.

Transcription Notes:
Agrio. = Agriolimax [[RJ]] H. is probably Helix [[RJ]] Coch. is probably Cochlicopa Reviewed and made minor edits, including making markup consistent with previously completed pages. -@siobhanleachman