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118. [[underlined]] Gt. Blasket [[/underlined]] S.E. Cliffs continued. [[List of species on left, remarks about them to right of drawn line, designated here by | ]] Limax maximus | A very fine specimen on the rocky slope 1/2 mile from harbour. The first specimen I have ever taken in "the west" which was clearly native. It was pale in colour with spots not stripes. West End 1, High Ground 2, Signal Tower 750 feet alt. 3, South Cliffs 4. 14.6.12 Agrio. agrestis | 1 - 4 Limax c. niger | 4. Similar to that on p. 116. " [[Ditto for: Limax]] arborum | 1, 2 & 4. Vitrina pellucida | 3. Dead shell only. Hyalinia alliaria | 1 - 4. " [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] nitidula | 2. Rare. " [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] crystalline | 2 & 3. Sph. edentulina | 2. Helix rotundata | 1 - 4. " [[Ditto for: Helix]] nemoralis | 1 - 4. [[end page]] [[start page]] 119. [[List of species on left, remarks about them to right of drawn line, designated here by | ]] Carychium minimum | 4. Coch. lubrica | 1 - 4 Pupa cylindraceus | 1 - 4. [[line]] In the southern gullies. 15.6.12. Limax arborum Agrio. agrestus Arion ater " [[Ditto for: Arion]] subfuscus " [[Ditto for: Arion]] intermedius Hyalinia cellaria | Large & dead. " [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] alliaria " [[Ditto for: Hyaliania]] crystallina Helix rotundata " [[Ditto for: Helix]] nemoralis Coch. lubrica. Carychium minimum Pupa cylindrica Clausilia bidentata [[wavy vertical line]]