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Jan 8, 1932.. Jack. Lane. Haley well satisfied with work Dr. Phillip of Hamilton Mont - Lab of M.S. Public Health Service spoke on spotted feaver tularemia etc. Learned a lot. Think it well to keep in touch with him. Dr. Swansen animal parsitologist B.A.I. at Salt Lake formerly of Olympia very curious to know what had become of Dr. Bach. - [[underlined]] Arntson, [[/underlined]] Forest Supervisor, of Cache Forest Odgen and Sterling Justice, Pocatello Office U.SF.S. conferred. They indicated F.S. in district 4 would use funds next year for purposes other than rodent control next year. [[underlined]] F. S. Gedney [[/underlined]] made bitter attack on Univ. of Idaho, the Governor & Dean Iddings. D. Sid Smith called his hand afterwards. Smith himself very bitter on grazing fee question & disposal of public lands. Banquet very enjoyable. Fine music etc. Tom Johnston & wife ate dinner with us. Sheepman from Twin Falls Jan 9, 1932 Wrote letter requested by Bailey, and then confered with Abbott. Sheepman from central Idaho who is very friendly I ate dinner with him at August Ram Sale. Conferred further with Clarr. Conference with Lee Turtchell who seems to have good judgement about most things. Borrowed a gun and hope to collect a few birds in the morning to get a better start in 1932 in the bird business then in 1931. Jan 10, 1932. Out with Turtchell in AM. after conference with Murray & Turtchell over the proposed reorganization & redistricting plan. Solution of problem reached.