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Feb 9, 1932. In office in morning - to Palatine Hill to call on Geo. Smith and on over to Wilsonville when I failed to make connections with several people. Smith very depressed and acts & talks as if he thot the world was ending.

Feb 10, 1932. Worked in office all day - Looked over Bransens material on Davis Lake area and felt he has a fine bunch of material out of it. Mr & Mrs A.C.U. Berry over for the evening. Venison dinner and an enjoyable time.

Feb 11, 1932. Worked at office all day - Manuscript of the book went off today to my immeasurable relief. Built [[insertion]] one [[insertion]] book shelves in little sun room. [[insertion]] Dubois [[/insertion]]

Feb 12, 1932. Celebrated Lincolns Birthday by  working all day at home. Painted book shelves - Carried books down stairs and made a general nuisance of myself around home all day.

Feb 13, 1932. In office in morning To Dr Coffey's Clinic with the family for an examination. Then worked at home placing books all afternoon and evening.

Feb 14, 1932. Worked on books all morning To Dubois for dinner and then to the nursery for conference with John  Took cedar clost to Profs to be fixed up & then home to finish up arrangement of the books. Library books fine and I believe it will be the best workshop I've ever had.