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Feb 18, 1932. but advised strongly against it. Roy made arrangements for spring work here and there we went to Nyssa to visit Ling - trapper. He complained some about snow on northern hills but said he found [[strikethrough]] few [[/strikethrough]] little interference south of Nyssa. Said there were hundreds of China Pheasants wintering along the Malheur. Said also that when shooting season started the wise old birds by the hundreds took to the hills until after hunting season.

Birds. ✓ [[check mark]] Several [[underlined]] China Pheasants [[/underlined]]
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Sparrow Hawk [[/underlined]] 1
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] House Finch  [[/underlined]] Sev.     [[insertion]] Malheur [[/insertion]]
✓ [[check marl]] [[underlined]] Song Sparrow [[/underlined]] 2
✓ [[underlined]] Kingfisher [[/underlined]] 1

From Ling to Boise and visit with Murray. Went over his financial program with him also his proposed new set up for the district.
He showed me some fine photos of deer in bunches at Arrowrods sam where the game commission is feeding Reports some killing by coyotes & was going out in morning with Bailey to investigate more of it. Crawley came in with the car from Salt Lake. Visited with he & Murray in the evening.

Feb 19, 1932
Met Murray & Mac Bailey in morning for short time discussed deer situation with them. Also met Crowley & Kerr for a short time in AM. & then taking car for Ontario where I arrived at noon. Met Ray & Sankey & came