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[[underlined]] Feb 21, 1932 [[/underlined]] Going out where the deer hillary is going on tomorrow.
Fregate & I drove to Pilot Rock to see De Bofs but he was not at home. Left a note for him and arranged to see Walter Holt in the morning.
Skinned two horned Larks & wrote notes etc
[[underlined]] Feb 22, 1932 [[/underlined]] Saw W.A. Holt & discussed matters with him particularly regarding the letters he wrote Washington. Saw Mae Hohe & Fred Falconer also - no coyote losses this winter to speak of.
Saw Best - asst Co. Agt at Hermiston for a few minutes Stopped in Hood River & went out to apple orchards to look at mouse damage. Saw 75% of replants in one orchard destroyed by mice. Also numerous trees eaten off by gophers in the most spectatular damage to an orchard I've ever seen in Hood River Valley. Roy is to go back & work up data this week. Will make good story. Then to Speers to deliver car & home at 900 PM
Feb 23, 1932. In office to be greeted with a staggering amount of mail & routine work. It is getting worse all the time. Went home & cleaned up little room & library.
[[underlined]] Feb 24, 1932 [[/underlined]]. To nursery for a few minutes & then to the office and work all day on routine & birds of Oregon.
Feb 25, 1932. General office work. Routine& work on Bird of Oregon.
Feb 26, 1932. General office work. Routine. on Birds of Oregon.
Feb 27, 1932. Leave home 800 AM & call on some of old cooperative in Tualetin Valley etc. Look over one or two of old