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Feb 27, 1932 gopher plots. No reinfestation yet.
Feb 28, 1932. Get Cedar Chest on which Prof did a beautiful job of work. Then to Dad's for dinner & to the nursery for a visit with John and home in the evening.
Feb 29, 1932. [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] & March 1, 1932 [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] In office all day working on the birds of Oregon and routine work.
Mar 1, 1932. To coast with Dad & Prof Leaving at 800 AM. To Sohe rented a boat & went over to Cottage. Water all turned off in mains and unable to repair pipes. 
[[strikethrough]] Mar [[/strikethrough]] Everything in cabins damp and moldy. Built a fire and dried things out fished a while.
Mar 2, 1932. At cabin until 200 PM wind terrific and weather squally. Fished a while and worked on leveling lawn.
Saw following birds in two days on lake
[[check mark]] 1. [[underlined]] Loon [[/underlined]] (2)
[[check mark]] 2. [[underlined]] Horned grebe [[/underlined]] 2
[[check mark]] 3. [[underlined]] Pied billed " [[ditto for: grebe]] [[/underlined]] 3
[[check mark]] 4. [[underlined]] Glaucous winged Gull [[/underlined]] 5 or 6
[[check mark]] 5. [[underlined]] Canvasback few [[/underlined]]
[[check mark]] 6. [[underlined]] Scaup [[/underlined]] common
[[check mark]] 7. [[underlined]] Ruddy Duck [[/underlined]] common
[[check mark]] 8. [[underlined]] Butterball (few)[[/underlined]]
[[check mark]] 9. [[underlined]] Sharp shinned Hawk [[/underlined]] 1
[[check mark]] 10. [[underlined]] Western Red tail [[/underlined]] 1
[[check mark]] 11. [[underlined]] Coot [[/underlined]] common [[check mark]] 17. [[underlined]]Hermit thrush
[[check mark]] 12. [[underlined]] Raven [[/underlined]]  2 [[check mark]] 18. [[underlined]] Sitka Kinglet [[underlined]]
[[check mark]] 13. [[underlined]] Crow [[/underlined]] common [[check mark]] 19. [[underlined]] Song Sparrow [[/underlined]] 1 
[[check mark]] 14. [[underlined]] Northwestern Flicker [[/underlined]] 2 [[check mark]] 20. [[underlined]] W Winter Wren [[/underlined]] 1
[[check mark]] 15. [[underlined]] Shufeldts Junco [[/underlined]] few
[[check mark]] 16. [[underlined]] Chestnut backed Chickadee [[/underlined]] 2

Transcription Notes:
Sitka Kinglet is an alternative common name for ruby-crowned kinglet. Shufeldt's Junco is an older common name, presumably, for a western type of Dark-eyed Junco. -@meg_shuler