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of court. Leo and I ate with the hunters in a little group conference and then too them to the Park and Ferry museum before disbanding. There has been a great improvement in morale since last March. With Leo I went to Seattle and spoke at a meeting of the Seattle Rod and Gun club. In Bio survey very fine time about 100 present. Arrived back at Olympia 100 PM and rose at 500 AM to go on to Portland.
[[underlined]] Mar 10,1932 [[/underlined]] Arrived in Portland [[overwritten 11]]930 AM in time to share and speak to a capacity house at "Portland Garden Club". Thence to office for an all day session with mail etc. Home and to A.C.U. Berry's for dinner. Tired and worn out by the time I arrived home.
[[underlined]] Mar 11,1932 [[/underlined]] At office all day. Conference with Raher, Prof Dubois, John etc also much mail At home for evening and what a welcome evening it was.
[[underlined]] Mar 12,1932 [[/underlined]] Rose early - ready for trip south. Saw John for a few minutes.
Left Portland 1015 A.M. on trimotor for S.F. arriving at 320 PM after an uneventful trip. Day clear & beautiful. Met by Keyes who outlined the situations to me. Met Horn in evening Geo. Tonmkins away. Discussed situation very thoroughly with Horn. Hopes Young and chief will refrain from cussing out bunch.
[[underlined]]Mar 13,1932 [[/underlined]] Keyes to Sacramento arriving late because of car trouble. Met Poole - Jacobson at office also Neff. Discussed situation very thoroughly. Neff unworried. Jake & Poole ditto. Poole somewhat peeved at [[crossed out word]] Washington office direction of minute details of work. Returned to Frisco by S.P. train arriving at ten