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[[underlined]] March 14 1932. [[/underlined]] To San Francisco to meet Jesse Nelson & S.B Show (Forest Service). Nelson fearful their cooperation with us will be cut some this year due to reduction of grazing fees. To Game Commission to see Leo-K- Wilson-James Moffit, Jo Hunter, Major Farley, McClain & Major Ridley. All very friendly not at all perturbed by [[strikethrough]] the [[strikethrough]] Mexican mess. All anxious to work with us. Major Farley anxious to correct the breach between us over the duck sickness. Horn and McClain arranged poison test of horned larks & Mountain Plover near Los Gatos We arranged field trip with Moffit to check on bird Billing. Saw his wonderful collection of geese and he gave me two beautiful mountain plover skins. 
Returned to Oakland expecting to take a plane to L.A. but found all trips cancelled because of storm conditions. Therefore took an S.P. train out of Berkeley at 640 PM.
[[underlined]] March 15, 1932 [[/underlined] arr. L.A. 850AM. To Museum to meet Geo. Willett, Geo Cantwell, a Mr McCoy interested in birds. We had fine visit discussing various things including poison. Neither are as rabid as I expected to find them. From there I went with McCoy to call on Lee Chambers & found him a very reasonable and likeable chap. Met Geo Tonkin in evening & visited with him over situation.
[[underlined]] March 16, 1932 [[/underlined]] With Tonkin to call on Dr. Rich whom I knew years ago he is one of the Board of Governors of Cooper Club. All anxious for Jewett to be at meeting and also myself. Tonkin & I also called